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destiny2 companion

destiny2 companion




等级:类型:iPhone辅助软件更新:2023/09/14 20:51大小:12.2M版本:v7.2.1语言:简体官网:http://www.a300.cn作者:Bungie, Inc.Apple Watch:



为您推荐:iPhone辅助软件 游戏助手

  Destiny 2 Companion是一款命运2游戏助手app,命运2手游助手让你连接到你的战队,命运2手游助手拥有查阅战队活动进度以及分享战利品,通过战队文字聊天与队友交流等功能。欢迎下载!


  destiny2 companion是一款为命运2玩家提供大量便利的手机app,使用命运2手游助手不仅可以与其他玩家交流游戏经验、方便快速地寻找队友,更可以便捷地管理手中的武器装备,大大提升玩家的游戏体验。

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  氏族——用自己独特的共同身份创建和管理你的氏族,或者寻找一个现存的氏族加入。追踪你的家族等级、进步和所有的共同奖励。用destiny2 companion在一个或多个部落特定的频道上通过文字聊天与你的同伴保持联系。

  FielStudio——通过活动类型搜索和过滤FielStudio并找到一个团队来进行游戏或创建自己的团队。创建者可以发送Xbox Live或PlayStation邀请,以迅速获得每个人在火把一起游戏。









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v7.2.1Updated for the Season of the Witch!
? Find Fireteams for Savath?n's Spire and Altars of Summoning.
? Track your progress towards Guardian Ranks and new Seasonal Challenges.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of the Deep.
v7.1.1Updated for the Season of the Deep!
? Find Fireteams for Season 21 Salvages, Deep Dives, and the new Ghosts of the Deep dungeon.
? Track your progress towards Guardian Ranks and Seasonal Challenges.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of Defiance.
v7.1.0Updated for the Season of the Deep!
? Find Fireteams for the new Season 21 Salvages and Deep Dives.
? Track your progress towards Guardian Ranks and Seasonal Challenges.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of Defiance.
v7.0.2? Improved Gear search to filter with multiple terms and perk names.
? Now showing the proper ornament and masterwork state on Loadout items.
? Added a News filter to browse posts in different categories.
? Find Fireteams for Dungeons, Raids, and Grandmaster Nightfalls.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of the Seraph.
v7.0.1Updated for Lightfall and the Season of Defiance!
? Save, Equip, and Update your Loadouts in the Gear section.
? Find Fireteams for the Lightfall campaign and Season 20 Battlegrounds.
? Track your progress towards Guardian Ranks and Seasonal Challenges.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of the Seraph.
v7.0.0Updated for Lightfall and the Season of Defiance!
? Save, Equip, and Update your Loadouts in the Gear section.
? Find Fireteams for the Lightfall campaign and Season 20 Battlegrounds.
? Track your progress towards Guardian Ranks and Seasonal Challenges.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of the Seraph.
v6.9.2? Fixed Stadia Cross Save accounts not being able to create and join Fireteams.
v6.9.1? Removed Stadia from player profiles, Fireteams, and Clan rosters.
? Fixed Game History activity modes for some Crucible playlist activities.
? Fixed animated profile avatars not animating in certain places.
v6.9.0Updated for the Season of the Seraph!
? Find Fireteams for Season 19 Heist Battlegrounds and the new dungeon.
? Track your progress towards new season rank rewards, seasonal challenges, and Moments of Triumph 2022.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of Plunder.
v6.8.2? Updated the source of news for future content changes.
? Added support for string variables in vendor inventories.
? Fixed a crash in player profiles on iOS 12.
v6.8.1Updated for Festival of the Lost!
? Track your event challenge progress to earn new rewards.
? Updated claimed Triumphs and Challenges to better match the in-game display.
v6.8.0Updated for the Season of Plunder!
? Find Fireteams for Ketchcrash, Expeditions, and Pirate Hideouts.
? Track your progress on new Quests, Challenges, and Seals.
? Find your Epic account friends and import them into your Bungie Friends list.
? Acquire your unclaimed rewards from the Season of the Haunted.
v6.7.1Updated for Solstice 2022!
? Added support for the new Event Card to track challenge progress and rewards.
? Find Fireteams for the new Bonfire Bash event activity.
? Claim a new emblem from Bungie Rewards after completing the Solstice intro quest.
? Added a card for Seasonal Challenges to the Director section.
v6.7.0Updated for the Season of the Haunted!
? Find Fireteams for the new Leviathan activities.
? Track your Game History for Zone Control and Iron Banner: Rift.
? Pick up your unclaimed rewards from the Season of the Risen.
v6.6.4? Updated for iOS 15!
? Hiding claimed rewards from the past season, so you can quickly see the items you still have left to claim on each character.
? Added more privacy options to the Account settings.
? Added support for longer multi-line activity titles in Game History.
v6.6.3? Added support for changing your Bungie Name in Account settings.
? Select from one of your linked account names, or set a new one.
? You can only change your Bungie Name once at this time, so make it count!
? Fixed Bungie Name changes for players who currently have a name that wouldn't be allowed anymore.
? Added a link to the Weapon Crafting Guide from the Shaping Progress section.
v6.6.2? Added support for changing your Bungie Name in Account settings.
? Select from one of your linked account names, or set a new one.
? You can only change your Bungie Name once at this time, so make it count!
v5.10.0Updated for the Season of the Worthy, and Trials of Osiris! ? Find players in Fireteams for Trials of Osiris, Seraph Bunkers, and Seraph Towers. ? Check out the new Stat Trackers under Triumphs and on character nameplates. ? See the bounties and rewards that Rasputin has to offer in Vendors. ? Earn Bungie Rewards with your victories in Trials of Osiris, and more throughout the season. ? Bug fixes and performance improvements.





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destiny2 companion类型:iPhone辅助软件




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destiny2 companion v5.9.10