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最新最热下载排行绘图板v7.1.0鲸管家iOSv4.2年轮iosv8.2.2智慧斯马特iOSv2.1.42推推iOSv5.5.9Focus Plantv3.4交运安v1.8.4镇村通门店版iOS版v3.5.5印象笔记•圈点iPhone版V3.4.1青葱日记appv5.0.2麦库iPhone版V2.8.1为知笔记v8.3.7云笔记iPhone版V4.9.1万年历手机版v6.4.9百度网盘手机版v11.53.0印象笔记appv10.8.3

换一换相关推荐快递100手机版v8.4.1扫描全能王v6.44.0金山词霸手机版v11.3.6印象笔记appv10.8.3百度网盘手机版v11.53.0Dropbox手机版v334.2为知笔记v8.3.7滴滴打车司机版appv6.1.13和彩云网盘v8.11.0今目标appv8.8.8讯飞语记appv4.9.5邮箱大师appv6.15.1PDF Reader iPhone版v5.3福昕阅读器手机版v6.0网易邮箱appv6.0.3AutoCAD 2017V4.3.11360云盘手机版V7.0.5






等级:类型:iPhone效率软件更新:2023/07/04 02:35大小:36.9M版本:v7.1.0语言:简体官网:暂无作者:4 Axis Solutions Private LimitedApple Watch:



为您推荐:iPhone效率软件 绘画 画画



绘图板app具有一系列功能强大的艺术工具和画笔,可带来逼真的绘画体验。 发挥您的创造力,通过精美素描,绘画和涂鸦,将您的惊人创意变为现实。绘图板app是一款家庭应用,深受孩子和成年人的喜爱,可让每个人充分发挥创造力!



-完美支持 Apple Pencil 的增强手势,具有双击、角度和压力感应功能

-无限图层支持,居于高级图层选项 - 锁定、alpha、翻转、合并和颜色反转

-Apple Watch 集成,可快速选择颜色

-3D Touch 用于压敏绘画

-支持 2 指点按撤销,3 指点按重做


-将艺术作品导出为可用于 Photoshop 的 PSD


-将您的项目同步到 Drawing Desk Cloud 和 iCloud


素描模式 - 用热情的素描表达您的创造力!

-超过 25 种逼真的素描工具,包括钢笔、铅笔、荧光笔、蜡笔、霓虹灯、喷雾、水彩、渐进式、墨水、污迹、橡皮擦、填充桶、直尺和荧光笔

-200 多种即时形状库






-具有 125 种以上独特纹理的填充桶工具

涂色模式 - 消除压力!

-3000 多种独特的涂色页面

-2000 多种纯色和渐变色




儿童模式 - 充分发挥功能,放飞创造力!

-最有趣的画布,具有 10 多种绘画工具,包括钢笔、铅笔、粉笔、记号笔、填充、闪光、渐变和水彩笔


-500 多种教育涂色页和贴纸

照片模式 - 使编辑变得非常简单!




涂鸦模式 - 用于表达涂鸦!

-10 多种涂鸦工具,包括钢笔、铅笔、霓虹灯、荧光笔、水彩笔、填充桶和角度荧光笔


-250 多种精美的 3D 画笔、图章和贴纸,让您的涂鸦更精彩


v7.1.0Hi Creative folks,

Hope you are enjoying the New Tattoo Drawing Lessons.

In this version,

* We have fixed an issue in stroke suggestions in Drawing Lessons.

Plus we have a brand new update coming up. Stay Tuned.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!





v7.0.8Hi Creative folks,

Hope you are enjoying the portrait support for iPhones.
Would love to hear your experience in iPhone.

In this version,

* Updated the Drawing Desk Education Application Flow
* Fixed the Kids Desk Arcade issue.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!
v7.0.6Hi Creative folks,

We have good news for you.

In this version,

* We are introducing the Portrait version for iPhones. So from now on Sketch Desk supports both orientations.

* Plus we have updated the Auto Colorise feature (Powered by AI) to provide better outputs. Try and let us know your thoughts in the reviews.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!
v7.0.5Hi Creative folks,

In this update,

* Introduced new How to draw tattoos tutorials. (iPad)

Let us know your experience on Drawing Courses.

Looking forward to hear your thoughts.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!
v7.0.4Hi Creative folks,

In this update,

* Introduced new How to draw Anime & Manga tutorials. (iPad)

Let us know your experience on Drawing Courses and the badges that you collected.
Looking forward to hear your thoughts.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!
v7.0.3Hi Creative folks,

In this update,

* Fixed drawing courses project reopen issue.(iPad)
* Fixed content loading issue in 3d brushes.

Plus we have more good news !!!
We are currently working on coloured drawing courses which will be soon available on drawing courses section.

Let us know your experience on Drawing Courses and the badges that you collected.
Looking forward to hear your thoughts.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!
v7.0.2Hi Creative folks,

In this update,
We have optimised Drawing Desk App experience and updated the UI for the newly released iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max.
Let us know your experience in the newly released devices.

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!

希望您在学习如何绘画:一步一步的绘画教程中获得乐趣。 我们将在未来几周内发布更多新课程和课程。

我们修复了一些与分步绘图教程(仅限 iPad)相关的错误。
* 修复绘图教程内容本地化问题
* 修复高亮下一步的问题

一如既往,我们对您的爱与支持感激不尽! 我们非常希望听到您对此更新的反馈! 我们希望您能抽出宝贵的一分钟给我们快速回顾一下!
v7.0.0The wait is over! Drawing Courses are finally making its sweet way to you on Drawing Desk V7! With this brand-new update, we are here to deliver you a surreal drawing experience like never before!

Learning the ropes to digital art just got a whole lot easier with us! Start from the very basics and learn the fundamentals of drawing with our fresh set of fully guided Drawing Courses! Paving your way to an enhanced learning experience, our extremely powerful and out-of-the-box Drawing Course feature is here to let you master digital art in no time!

So what are you waiting for, come join hands with us on a journey of becoming a better artist!

Drawing Courses are currently available only on iPads(soon to be released on iPhones)

As always, we couldn’t thank you enough for all your love and support! We would definitely love to hear your feedback on this update! We hope you could take a minute of your precious time to drop us a quick review!

Now sit back and enjoy the update!
v6.5.3你好 ,


* 我们修复了渐变工具中的一些错误。
* 修复了对称工具中的崩溃问题。

我们的小团队不知疲倦地工作,为您带来最酷的功能,以提升您的日常绘图体验! 如果您能给我们一个快速的 Appstore 评论,这对我们来说意味着世界! 享受更新!
v6.5.2Hello to all our Drawing Desk users !

Hope you enjoyed our Drawing Desk step by step drawing tutorials.(iPad Only)

In this version,

* We have fixed few bugs in the tutorials.
(We are working on more tutorials, Hopefully we will be able release more soon.)

* Fixed an issue saving projects in to the correct desk folder.

Our small team has worked tirelessly to bring you the coolest features to level up your everyday drawing experience! It would mean the world to us if you could drop us a quick Appstore review! Enjoy the update!
v6.5.1Greetings to all our Drawing Desk users !

As we have promised in this version we are releasing Step by Step Drawing Tutorials Beta version (Available only on iPad).
The tutorials will guide you through each and every step which will help you to learn basics.
Let us know your feedback, We will be releasing more tutorials in coming updates.

Our small team has worked tirelessly to bring you the coolest features to level up your everyday drawing experience! It would mean the world to us if you could drop us a quick Appstore review! Enjoy the update!
v6.5.0Greetings! Hope everyone is loving the new features introduced in our previous update.

This update contains a bug fix in Coloring Desk user search.

We have more exciting news to all art lovers.
We are almost ready with step by step drawing tutorials.
Hopefully we can make the tutorials live in our next update.
Stick around, there is more to come !

Our small team has worked tirelessly to bring you the coolest features to level up your everyday drawing experience! It would mean the world to us if you could drop us a quick Appstore review! Enjoy the update!
v6.4.2Greetings! We are ready with another brand-new update made just for you! This update drops in with a bunch of exciting new features!

AR Face Paint
Conquer it all and create interactive face masks of disguise, facial props or even stunning makeup looks in real-time with our AR Face Paint.

AI Colorization
Impressively powerful AI colorization makes its very first victorious entrance on Drawing Desk 6.4.2. Let the AI do the talking with automatic colorization! Or add color hints to jazz up your pieces with your preferred colors!

Import Tool powered by AI
Combat and cast away all unnecessary objects in your photos, get perfect line extractions or have the best-fitted crop for your images with just a slight snap of your fingers.

Switch to Finger
Switch your drawing armor in a split second! You can now conveniently shift between your Pencil and finger for a smoother drawing process.

Our small team has worked tirelessly to bring you the coolest features to level up your everyday drawing experience! It would mean the world to us if you could drop us a quick Appstore review! Enjoy the update!
v6.4.1Hope everyone is enjoying Drawing Desk AI powered Features !

We have fixed few bugs related to AI Colorisation.
Love to hear your feedbacks.

More cool features are coming in our next versions.
With all hands on deck, our team has worked tirelessly to give you the best tools to tap onto your creativity. Your precious feedback always brings a smile to our faces. And we are definitely hooked onto hearing more and more from each and every one of you. So if you love this update, hop onto the Appstore for a quick review! Enjoy!

With love,
Drawing Desk Team.
v6.4.0Welcome to the grandest premiere of Drawing Desk’s latest update - Drawing Desk 6.4.0. Together with the almighty power of AI, Drawing Desk 6.4.0 is as fit as a fiddle to serve all your creative art needs. We are forever dedicated to bringing you nothing but the very best! So make room for us to spill the beans on the latest fine-tuned features rolled out freshly from Drawing Desk 6.4.0.

-AI Colorization
It’s music to your ears! Cause Drawing Desk just dropped its hottest single! Impressively powerful AI colorization makes its very first appearance on Drawing Desk 6.4.0. Let the AI do the talking with automatic colorization or add color hints to jazz up your art with your preferred colors.

-Import Tool powered by AI
Hoping to strike a chord in your heart, we reveal to you our newest Import tool. Now it's as easy as that to magically cast away all the unnecessary objects in your photos. You can even get the best line extractions on your images in the blink of an eye. Or just call the tune to have the perfectly fitted crop.

We are more than eager to gift you this update. From sunrise to sunset, we’ve worked tirelessly to unearth the best of treasures to make you happy..
We would love to hear all your feedback, it never fails to bring a bright smile to our faces. So if you love this update, head over to the AppStore for a quick review.
Enjoy your creative journey with us!

With Love,
Drawing Desk Team
v6.3.4Hope everyone is enjoying the Drawing Desk Challenges !
Submit your artwork and be a winner !

We have more good news.
We are working on a better tutorial process, where we guide you through every step.
Stay tuned.

With all hands on deck, our team has worked tirelessly to give you the best tools to tap onto your creativity. Your precious feedback always brings a smile to our faces. And we are definitely hooked onto hearing more and more from each and every one of you. So if you love this update, hop onto the Appstore for a quick review! Enjoy!

With love,
Drawing Desk Team.
v6.3.3Hope everyone is enjoying the Drawing Desk Tutorials !

In this update,

1. We have add new drawing tutorials.
2. Fixed comments loading issue in community.

With all hands on deck, our team has worked tirelessly to give you the best tools to tap onto your creativity. Your precious feedback always brings a smile to our faces. And we are definitely hooked onto hearing more and more from each and every one of you. So if you love this update, hop onto the Appstore for a quick review! Enjoy!

With love,
Drawing Desk Team.
v6.3.2Hope everyone is enjoying the Drawing Challenges !

In this update,

1. Fixed the drawing challenge submissions loading delay.
2. Improved Kids Desk UI to highlight the Kids Arcade

With all hands on deck, our team has worked tirelessly to give you the best tools to tap onto your creativity. Your precious feedback always brings a smile to our faces. And we are definitely hooked onto hearing more and more from each and every one of you. So if you love this update, hop onto the Appstore for a quick review! Enjoy!

With love,
Drawing Desk Team.
v6.3.1Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all creative folks out there !
Hope everyone loved our Christmas Gift !

This special update brings,

* We have come with two new Holiday challenges for you, Join the Drawing Challenge and Win amazing gifts.

* Hope you have tried out Time-lapse video export option. We have fixed the freezing issue in iPad Air 4.

* We have fixed Kids Arcade - Maze Game content issue.

With all hands on deck, our team has worked tirelessly to give you the best tools to tap onto your creativity. Your precious feedback always brings a smile to our faces. And we are definitely hooked onto hearing more and more from each and every one of you. So if you love this update, hop onto the Appstore for a quick review! Enjoy!

With love,
Drawing Desk Team.
v6.3.0Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all creative folks out there !
We’ve decided to breeze in with the perfect Christmas Gift for you this holiday season.

It's time for you to get on board and welcome Drawing Desk 6.3.0. With the turning of the tide, we’ve got a bunch of exciting features to set you on a smooth sail. Let’s kick it off and explore the newest treasures of this update.

-Timelapse Drawing
Blimey! We’ve heard you loud and clear. Making its very first debut, Timelapse Drawing has put down its anchor on Drawing Desk 6.3.0. You can now enjoy the true essence of your art in a beautifully constructed playback video.

-Drawing Challenges
For the first time ever, we are excited to introduce you to the all new Drawing challenges. Step into the uncharted waters to explore every bit of your hidden creativity and stand a chance to be a lucky winner.

-Kids Arcade
Yo ho ho! Stacked up with a bundle of kids activities, Kids Arcade makes it easier for your little one to learn the ropes of Alphabet, Numbers, Math and so much more.

With all hands on deck, our team has worked tirelessly to give you the best tools to tap onto your creativity. Your precious feedback always brings a smile to our faces. And we are definitely hooked onto hearing more and more from each and every one of you. So if you love this update, hop onto the Appstore for a quick review! Enjoy!

With love,
Drawing Desk Team.
v6.2.1Hello All,

Hope you are enjoying Drawing Desk V6.2.0.
This update fixes few crashes in Sketch Desk and Doodle Desk.

Plus there is more good news !
Drawing Desk V6.3 is almost ready with Drawing Challenges , Time-lapse Export and more creative features. Stay tuned.

We’ve pushed our limits to bring you the best drawing experience. And we would do it all over again in a heartbeat. We are just as excited to hear all about your wonderful feedback. If you love it, let us know your feedback with a quick AppStore review!
v6.2.0向 Drawing Desk 6.2 打个招呼,大家一起来迎接我们计划的下一个重大更新。 凭借我们自己的创意引擎 Cortex,我们对 Sketch Desk 和 Doodle Desk 进行了完全重新设计,以满足您提出所有的绘画需求。 Sketch Desk 和 Doodle Desk 包含大量改进和多项新功能,现在的 Drawing Desk 6.2 像雏菊一样新鲜。 别再拐弯抹角了,好吗? 终于到了让您品尝和珍惜收获的时候了!

自定义画布(仅限 iPad)
我们终于把它扼杀在萌芽状态! 您现在可以自定义画布的每一英寸,让它感觉像家一样。




可拖动控制器(仅限 iPad)

您要求的功能! 我们办到了! 现在是时候让您享受最新的图层设置功能了 - 图层合并和图层复制



绘图教程(仅限 iPad,即将在 iPhone 上提供)
需要一些灵感? 我们全新的绘画教程来拯救你!

这是本次更新的摘要。 我们已竭尽全力,为您带来最有价值的更新。 而且我们会一如既往为您服务! 您无法想象您的宝贵反馈意见会让我们多么高兴。 我们非常期待得到您的反馈! 如果您喜欢这次更新,请在 App Store 给个评论吧! 尽情使用吧!
v6.1.5Hello All,

With this update we bring more tutorials for you to improve your Drawing skills.
There's more good news. We are almost ready to release Drawing Desk V7 with new powerful features & innovative artistic tools.
Stay in touch. Thank you.

We’ve pushed our limits to bring you the best drawing experience. And we would do it all over again in a heartbeat. We are just as excited to hear all about your wonderful feedback. If you love it, let us know your feedback with a quick AppStore review!

Hello All,

We have fixed few bugs related to Drawing Tutorials and we will be adding more tutorials soon.
Let us know, what tutorials you would love to see.

We’ve pushed our limits to bring you the best drawing experience. And we would do it all over again in a heartbeat. We are just as excited to hear all about your wonderful feedback. If you love it, let us know your feedback with a quick AppStore review!








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绘图板 v6.1.4