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最新最热下载排行myMail iPad版v14.55.1Todo Cloud iPad版v11.1.15搜狗输入法iPad版v11.33.0UC浏览器iPad版v16.1.7.2213掌上道聚城iPad版v4.7.3百度翻译iPad版v10.12.0QQ浏览器iPad版v6.9.6物流助手网iPad版v3.0.1百度输入法iPad版v11.7.10QQ浏览器iPad版v6.9.6谷歌浏览器iPad版V48.0.2564.104墨迹天气iPad版v3.5.5360浏览器iPad版V4.0.8百度浏览器iPad版V2.4搜狗输入法iPad版v11.33.0UC浏览器iPad版v16.1.7.2213

换一换相关推荐myMail iPad版v14.55.1Todo Cloud iPad版v11.1.15搜狗输入法iPad版v11.33.0UC浏览器iPad版v16.1.7.2213QQ浏览器iPad版v6.9.6每日必听英语iPad版v13.7闹钟免费iPad版v4.3.27izip iPad版v19.99百度输入法iPad版v11.7.10墨迹天气iPad版v3.5.5怪物闹钟iPad版v4.8.2英语标准国际音标iPad版v3.7扫码卫士iPad版v2.37.4腾讯管家iPad版v3.1.0QQ管家iPad版v3.1.0拼立得iPad版v4.0.6超高清壁纸iPad版v6.12远程桌面大师iPad版v4.2.2iTools iPad版V4.1.1PP助手iPad版v3.7.791助手iPad版V2.6.5.3讯飞输入法iPad版v10.0.232345浏览器iPad版V2.8360浏览器iPad版V4.0.8英语口语iPad版V5.0.2百度浏览器iPad版V2.4悟空浏览器iPad版V5.9.2

myMail iPad版

myMail iPad版




等级:类型:iPad工具软件更新:2023/11/09 18:23大小:24M版本:v14.55.1语言:简体官网:http://www.a300.cn作者:MGL MY.COM (CYPRUS) LIMITED



  myMail iPad版可以帮助用户管理Gmail、Hotmail、Live、Outlook、MSN、iCloud、AOL 以及 Yahoo等等电子邮件账户中的信息,使用简单,方便快捷。


  推送通知 — 根据您的生活、工作或其他方面而定制

  ◆ 收到新邮件即时通知 — 即使您的电子邮件服务商不支持该功能

  ◆ 在一个账户上启动或关闭通知功能,或按照文件夹、社交网络、域名或邮件地址来过滤通知

  ◆ 为每一个账户设置一个“静音时段”以将您的工作与私人生活分开

  您的收件箱 — 更个人化、可视化

  ◆ 借助您朋友的头像以及一般服务的图标来更快速浏览邮件列表

  ◆ 通过打开或关闭邮件预览和头像来自定义您的 iPhone 的邮件列表外观


  ◆ 立刻搜索所有邮件

  ◆ 使用搜索过滤功能来缩小搜索范围

  ◆ 使用搜索字段和联系人建议来更快地撰写


  ▫ 回复或转发电子邮件时保留原始格式 – 包括表格、字体、颜色和图片。

  ▫ 用创意十足的新模板,让电子邮件引人注目。

  ▫ 用内置键盘直接从应用程序向电子邮件中添加表情。

  ▫ 随时在应用程序或 Safari(由您选择)中打开网络链接。


v14.55.1Fewer bugs means better karma. That's why we fixed some bugs in the new version.
v14.54While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.41We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.39While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.38We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.37We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.36We read your reviews and addressed your comments. Business as usual. We hope you are pleased.
v14.35Just a small but important update.
v14.34We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.32Fewer bugs means better karma. That's why we fixed some bugs in the new version.
v14.31While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.30We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.29.1Some cosmetic changes before a major update.
v14.29Some cosmetic changes before a major update.
v14.28We read your reviews and addressed your comments. Business as usual. We hope you are pleased.
v14.27.1We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.27While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.26We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.25We continue to work on bugs. We've released routine fixes.
v14.24Fewer bugs means better karma. That's why we fixed some bugs in the new version.
v14.23Just a small but important update.
v14.22We continue working on new features. Meanwhile, here's an update with minor corrections and improvements.
v14.21We read your reviews and addressed your comments. Business as usual. We hope you are pleased.
v14.20Just a small but important update.
v14.19.1We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.19The app has become a little faster and a little more user friendly.
v14.18We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.17We continue to work on bugs. We've released routine fixes.
v14.16We fixed bugs that you helped us find. Don't be afraid to point them out.
v14.15.1While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.15While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.14We always listen to your feedback and fix the problems you report. That's just what we've done in this version.
v14.13Along the way to great updates and new features, we fixed some important smaller things.
v14.12We fixed bugs. Now you'll encounter even fewer of them.
v14.11We continue to work on bugs. We've released routine fixes.
v14.10We fixed bugs that you helped us find. Don't be afraid to point them out.
v14.9While we're working on something interesting, install this version with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes.
v14.8We always listen to your feedback and fix the problems you report. That's just what we've done in this version.
v14.7Along the way to great updates and new features, we fixed some important smaller things.
v14.6We continue to work on bugs. We've released routine fixes.







myMail iPad版类型:iPad工具软件




同类热门myMail iPad版v14.55.1Todo Cloud iPad版v11.1.15搜狗输入法iPad版v11.33.0UC浏览器iPad版v16.1.7.2213QQ浏览器iPad版v6.9.6每日必听英语iPad版v13.7闹钟免费iPad版v4.3.27



myMail iPad版(Store)