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时间:2004/11/7 4:10:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

if exists(select * from sysobjects where ID = object_id("up_TopicList"))

   drop proc up_TopicList


create proc up_TopicList

            @a_ForumID int , @a_intDays int , @a_intPageNo int , @a_intPageSize tinyint


       declare @m_intRecordNumber int

       declare @m_intStartRecord  int

       select @m_intRecordNumber = @a_intPageSize * @a_intPageNo

       select @m_intStartRecord = @a_intPageSize * (@a_intPageNo - 1) + 1

       if @a_intDays = 0                      --如果不限定天数



                select "RecordCount" = count(*)                         

                       from BBS where Layer=1 and ForumID = @a_ForumID



               set rowcount @m_intRecordNumber

               declare m_curTemp Scroll cursor


                          select a.ID ,a.Title , d.UserName , a.FaceID ,

                                'ContentSize' = datalength(a.Content) ,

                                'TotalChilds' = (select sum(TotalChilds)

                                                        from BBS as b

                                                        where a.RootID = b.RootID) ,

                                'LastReplyTime' = (select max(PostTime)

                                                          from BBS as c

                                                          where a.RootID = c.RootID)

                                from BBS as a

                                     join BBSUser as d on a.UserID = d.ID

                                where Layer=1 and ForumID = @a_ForumID

                                order by RootID desc , Layer , PostTime

               open m_curTemp

               fetch absolute @m_intStartRecord from m_curTemp

               while  @@fetch_status = 0

                      fetch next from m_curTemp

               set rowcount 0


               CLOSE m_curTemp

               DEALLOCATE m_curTemp



       else                                --如果限定天数          



                select "RecordCount" = count(*)                         

                       from BBS where Layer=1 and ForumID = @a_ForumID

                                      and dateadd(day , @a_intDays , PostTime) > getdate()



               set rowcount @m_intRecordNumber

               declare m_curTemp Scroll cursor


                          select a.ID ,a.Title , d.UserName , a.FaceID ,

                                'ContentSize' = datalength(a.Content) ,

                                'TotalChilds' = (select sum(TotalChilds)

                                                        from BBS as b

                                                        where a.RootID = b.RootID) ,

                                'LastReplyTime' = (select max(PostTime)

                                                          from BBS as c

                                                          where a.RootID = c.RootID)

                                from BBS as a

                                     join BBSUser as d on a.UserID = d.ID

                                where Layer=1 and ForumID = @a_ForumID

                                      and dateadd(day , @a_intDays , PostTime) > getdate()

                                order by RootID desc , Layer , PostTime

               open m_curTemp

               fetch absolute @m_intStartRecord from m_curTemp

               while  @@fetch_status = 0

                      fetch next from m_curTemp

               set rowcount 0


               CLOSE m_curTemp

               DEALLOCATE m_curTemp



注:若在asp中调用存储过程的command对象为cm,则set rs=cm.execute,然后用set rs=rs.nextrecordset取下一条记录。

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