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时间:2004/11/7 4:03:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

2000-08-14· 编译:甘冀平·Yesky







  有几个IIS调整参数可以提高站点性能。比如,对于IIS4.0,我们经常发现提高ASP ProcessorThreadMax参数能够产生重大的效果,特别是在那些要等待后台资源比如数据库或中间件产品的站点。在IIS5.0中,你可以发现调整ASP线程通道要比调整AspProcessorThreadMax效果更佳。



Optimizing ASP scripts

Developing Scalable Web Applications

Got Any Cache? by Nancy Winnick Cluts

Maximizing the Performance of Your Active Server Pages by Nancy Winnick Cluts

15 Seconds: Performance Section

Enhancing Performance in ASP - Part I by Wayne Plourde

When is Better Worse? Weighing the Technology Trade-Offs by Nancy Winnick Cluts

Speed and Optimization Resources by Charles Carroll

Tuning IIS

The Art and Science of Web Server Tuning with Internet Information Services 5.0

Leveraging ASP in IIS 5.0 by J.D. Meier

Tuning IIS 4.0 for High Volume Sites by Michael Stephenson

Tuning Internet Information Server Performance by Mike Moore

Navigating the Maze of Settings for Web Server Performance Optimization by Todd Wanke

Managing Internet Information Server 4.0 for Performance by Hans Hugli

ADO and SQL Server

Top Ten Tips: Accessing SQL Through ADO and ASP by J.D. Meier

Improve the Performance of your MDAC Application by Suresh Kannan

Pooling in the Microsoft Data Access Components by Leland Ahlbeck and Don Willits

SQL Server: Performance Benchmarks and Guides

Improving the Performance of Data Access Components with IIS 4.0 by Leland Ahlbeck

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Performance Tips by Leland Ahlbeck

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Practical Performance Tuning and Optimization - The Server Perspective by Damien Lindauer

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Practical Performance Tuning and Optimization - The Application Perspective by Damien Lindauer

Accessing Recordsets over the Internet by Dino Esposito

ASP components and threading models

ASP Component Guidelines by J.D. Meier

Q243548: INFO: Design Guidelines for VB Components under ASP

Threading Models Explained by Nancy Winnick Cluts

So Happy Together? Using ActiveX components with Active Server Pages by Nancy Winnick Cluts

Developing Active Server Components with ATL by George Reilly

Agility in Server Components by Neil Allain

Building High-Performance Middle-Tier Components with C++ by Jon Flanders

Active Server Pages and COM Apartments by Don Box

House of COM: Active Server Pages by Don Box

House of COM: Contexts by Don Box

House of COM: Performance Trade-offs of the Windows 2000 Component Execution Environment by Don Box

Building COM Components That Take Full Advantage of Visual Basic and Scripting by Ivo Salmre

Component Design Principles for MTS

Dictionary components

Creating a Page Cache Object by Robert Coleridge

Abridging the Dictionary Object: The ASP Team Creates a Lookup-Table Object by Robert Carter

Caprock Dictionary

Site Server Commerce Edition includes a dictionary component

Session state

Q175167: HOWTO: Persisting Values Without Sessions

Q157906: HOWTO: How To Maintain State Across Pages with VBScript

XML-based Persistence Behaviors Fix Web Farm Headaches by Aaron Skonnard

House of COM: Stateless Programming by Don Box

Performance and scalability

Blueprint for Building Web Sites Using the Microsoft Windows DNA Platform

Server Performance and Scalability Killers by George Reilly

Microsoft Visual Studio Scalability Center

Fitch & Mather Stocks 2000

Tuning the FMStocks Application

High-Performance Visual Basic Apps by Ken Spencer

Duwamish Books, Phase 4

Top Windows DNA Performance Mistakes and How to Prevent Them by Gary Geiger and Jon Pulsipher

Building from Static HTML to High-Performance Web-Farms by Shawn Bice


Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool

I Can? Stress It Enough -- Load Test Your ASP Application by J.D. Meier

Windows DNA Performance Kit

Monitoring Events in Distributed Applications Using Visual Studio Analyzer by Mai-lan Tomsen


Professional Active Server Pages 3.0, Wrox Press. (Especially Chapter 26: Optimizing ASP Performance, by George Reilly and Matthew Gibbs)

Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 Resource Guide (bundled with Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit, Microsoft Press.

Microsoft Internet Information Server Resource Kit (for IIS 4.0), Microsoft Press.

Programming Distributed Applications with COM and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 by Ted Pattison, Microsoft Press.

Effective COM by Don Box, Keith Brown, Tim Ewald, and Chris Sells; Addison-Wesley.

Developing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity by Jakob Nielsen, New Riders.

ASP Web sites

Microsoft TechNet for IIS






AspLists.com. Many specialized mailing lists including:

Fast Code!

ASP Advanced

Not Newbie

State Management


Visual Basic Components


C++/ATL Component Building

UseIt.com: Web Usability

ASP style

ASP Best Practices by George Reilly

ASP Quick Lessons by Charles Carroll

Planning for ASP by John Meade

ASP Guidelines by J.D. Meier


Inside XML Performance by Chris Lovett

Inside MSXML3 Performance by Chris Lovet  

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