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另类爆破——RamDisk9x/Me V1.5 算法分析

时间:2004/10/15 0:55:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(1)


另类爆破——RamDisk9x/Me V1.5

下载页面:  http://www.skycn.com/soft/4649.html
软件大小:  626 KB
软件语言:  英文
软件类别:  国外软件 / 共享版 / 内存工具
应用平台:  Win95/98/Me
加入时间:  2001-12-17 10:54:27
下载次数:  1520
推荐等级:  ****

【软件简介】:利用内存模拟技术产生和硬盘以及1.44M/2.88M软盘功能一模一样的虚拟硬盘/软盘机,可依个人电脑内存大小设定所模拟的硬盘空间大小,最大支持到 4GB。



【破解工具】:TRW2000娃娃修改版、Ollydbg1.09、Windows Enabler、FI2.5、W32Dasm8.93黄金版

【过    程】:


:0041699F FF15DC114000            Call dword ptr [004011DC]
:004169A5 663BFE                  cmp di, si
:004169A8 741D                    je 004169C7
:004169AA BAA86A4000              mov edx, 00406AA8
:004169AF 8D4D88                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-78]

* Reference To: MSVBVM60.__vbaStrCopy, Ord:0000h
:004169B2 FF1560114000            Call dword ptr [00401160]
:004169B8 8B03                    mov eax, dword ptr [ebx]
:004169BA 8D4D88                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-78]
:004169BD 51                      push ecx
:004169BE 53                      push ebx
:004169BF FF9014070000            call dword ptr [eax+00000714]
:004169C5 EB1B                    jmp 004169E2

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"YYour email must contain an "@""
:004169C7 BAAC704000              mov edx, 004070AC
:004169CC 8D4D88                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-78]

* Reference To: MSVBVM60.__vbaStrCopy, Ord:0000h
:004169CF FF1560114000            Call dword ptr [00401160]
:004169D5 8B13                    mov edx, dword ptr [ebx]
:004169D7 8D4588                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-78]
:004169DA 50                      push eax
:004169DB 53                      push ebx
:004169DC FF9214070000            call dword ptr [edx+00000714]

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004169E2 8D4D88                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-78]

* Reference To: MSVBVM60.__vbaFreeStr, Ord:0000h
:004169E5 FF15E0114000            Call dword ptr [004011E0]
:004169EB 663BFE                  cmp di, si
:004169EE 0F8425030000            je 00416D19

爆破①:0F8425030000  改为:E92603000090(补1个NOP)

…… …… 省 略 …… ……

* Reference To: MSVBVM60.__vbaStrMove, Ord:0000h
:00416D19 8B35BC114000            mov esi, dword ptr [004011BC]

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00416CEF(U), :00416D17(U)
:00416D1F 6685FF                  test di, di
:00416D22 0F84D4010000            je 00416EFC

爆破②:0F84D4010000  改为:E9D501000090(补1个NOP)


【另 类  破 解】:

上面是 爆破 ,还有一种比较简便而且有效的方法,这才是我这篇小文的主角呀。

主角:Windows Enabler


鼠标移动到“OK”上,呵呵,怎么样?“OK”按纽早已 Enable 了吧?!





【软 件  说 明】:

Author: deuce
Target: n0va's crackme v3

The hardest part of this crackme is enabling the window controls. Once you accomplish this, the rest is cake

There may be other ways to do this, but I decided to write a little program that does it simply by enumerating all child windows of the foreground window and sending WM_ENABLE message to each.  Examine enabler.asm to see exactly how this is done in assembly (to use enabler.exe, check "EnableWindows" and then click the parent window that contains the child window you want to enable).

This is coded in VB, so load up the crackme in SmartCheck, use enabler.exe, then type in a test serial and click OK.  By looking through the events under "_Click" you will see a call to vbaStrCmp.  Click on it and you will see the hard-coded serial

Later, Deuce





                   Cracked By 巢水工作坊——fly【OCN】

                          2003-03-18 21:30:25


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