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东方试闻广纪正确选择答案一览 东方试闻广纪游戏攻略

时间:2018/8/8 9:13:47来源:www.a300.cn作者:佚名我要评论(0)

3 页 正确答案第三部分

【✔】Sanae Kochiya was a science student, not a liberal arts student.

【✔】Satono Nishida and Mai Teireida, their abilities are not their own.

【✖】Satori Komeiji has only two pets, Rin Kaenbyou and Utsuho Reiuji.

【✔】Satori Komeiji likes to write novels.

【✔】Satori Komeiji would come out of the underground to find Koishi Komeiji.

【✔】Seiga Kaku would dress up as Santa Claus to steal from others.

【✖】Seija Kijin is an oni that has a twisted mind.

【✖】Seiran's name is the same as Reisen, they all connect to japanese attack planes during World War II.

【✔】Sekibanki lives in the Human Village, she wouldn't cause trouble if she isn't exposed.

【✔】Shiki Eiki Yamazanadu is not her origin name.

【✔】Shion Yorigami is a patron saint.

【✖】Shou Toramaru is Nazrin's master.

【✖】Since the tengu kicked the oni out of the mountain, now the relationship between the two species is very bad.

【✔】Sizuha Aki as a god of the red leave, doesn't use her god power to work.

【✖】Soga no Tojiko has the similar power of Iku Nagae, Causing thunder.

【✖】Suika Ibuki has nothing to do with "Broken Moon".

【✔】Sumireko Usami always got her electronic products stolen or broken up in Gensokyo

【✔】Sumireko Usami dress as the Aka manteau, what Miko's urban legend is.

【✔】Sumireko Usami has close relationship with Kasen Ibaraki.

【✖】Sumireko usami as the Source of Urban Legend incident, she doesn't has a urban legend in her body.

【✖】Suwako Moriya is the god of frog.

【✔】Suwako Moriya's wheels are not real steel wheels.

【✖】Tenko Hinanawi has a close relationship with Iku Nagae.

【✖】Tenshi Hinanawi's sword is a real sword with magic power.

【✔】Tewi Inaba looks like a young girl, but she is thousands of years old.

【✖】The Human Village is run by natural, no youkai intervene at all.

【✔】The Moriya Shrine has a branch shrine in the Hakurei Shrine.

【✖】The Prismriver Sisters can only performs a few musical instruments like Violin and Trumpet.

【✖】The are few little shop in Gensokyo, most of them are run by youkai.

【✖】The battle between Kaguya Houraisan and Fujiwara no Mokou is Cruel, but not threaten to others.

【✖】The doll of shanghai is the only doll that has an appearance.

【✔】The hakurei Shrine's tributes are mostly sake.

【✖】The head what we thought is Kisume's is actually someone else's, Kisume cut down someone's head and put it into her bucket.

【✔】The hell obtains finance by gold metallurgy.

【✖】The scarlet Mist Incident only last for a few days.

【✔】There are many people who trying to fight Hong Meiling one-to-one.

【✖】There are no sea creatures in Gensokyo.

【✔】There is a character who called Chiko Hinanawi.

【✔】Toyosatomimi no Miko always prepare a tangerine for her enemy.

【✔】Toyosatomimi no Miko is selling item for human to keep their life long.

【✖】Under Kasen Ibaraki's Bandage, there is her injured right hand.

【✔】Unzan still trying to trick people in Gensokyo.

【✔】Utsuho Reiuji's specie is the aborigine of the Former Hell.

【✖】Wakasagihime as a Mermaid, she has a great threat to humans.

【✖】When Seiga Kaku was in ancient China, there were very few hermit who has such powers like her.



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