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ASP Image 使用范例

时间:2004/10/7 19:06:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)


以下代码举例说明如何在vbscript中使用ASPImage组件,在这个例子中我们要建立一个渐进填充的字样为 "welcome to"的文字图片:
Set Image = Server.CreateObject("AspImage.Image")

rem Set various font parameters
Image.FontColor = vbBlack
Image.Italic = True
Image.Bold = True
Image.FontName = "Arial"
Image.FontSize = 12
Image.PadSize = 10

rem Calculate how big our text info is and set the image to this size
rem This has to be done since we want to fill the area with a gradient
strMessage = "Welcome to"
Image.MaxX = Image.TextWidth (strMessage)
Image.MaxY = Image.TextHeight (strMessage)

rem Create a one way gradient
Image.GradientOneWay vbRed, vbWhite, 0

rem Print our string to the image
Image.TextOut strMessage, Image.X, Image.Y, false

rem Set the filename and save
rem NOTE: You should gen the filename dynamically for multiuser usage
Image.FileName = "d:\inetpub\wwwroot\images\msg1.jpg"
if Image.SaveImage then
rem The image was saved so write the  tag out for the browser to pick up
Response.Write "
rem Something happened and we couldn't save the image so just use an HTML header
rem We need to debug the script and find out what went wrong
Response.Write "

Welcome to

end if


GIF Animations

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