您的位置:首页精文荟萃软件资讯 → VB.NET的数据库基础编程(2)


时间:2004/10/7 18:11:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)


在掌握了上面的那些针对数据库的基本操作过以后,就可以得到用VB.NET进行数据库基本编程的源程序代码,下面代码(data.vb)的操作数据库是Access 2000,如下:

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data
Public Class Form1
  Inherits Form
  Private components As System.ComponentModel.Container = Nothing
  Private WithEvents lastrec As Button
  Private WithEvents nextrec As Button
  Private WithEvents previousrec As Button
  Private WithEvents firstrec As Button
  Private t_books As TextBox
  Private t_nl As TextBox
  Private t_xb As TextBox
  Private t_xm As TextBox
  Private t_id As TextBox
  Private l_books As Label
  Private l_nl As Label
  Private l_xb As Label
  Private l_xm As Label
  Private l_id As Label
  Private label1 As Label
  Private myDataSet As DataSet
  Private WithEvents button1 As Button
  Private WithEvents button2 As Button
  Private WithEvents button3 As Button
  Private WithEvents button4 As Button
  Private myBind As BindingManagerBase

  Public Sub New ( )
    MyBase.New ( )
    GetConnected ( )
    InitializeComponent ( )
  End Sub
  Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose (ByVal disposing As Boolean)
    If disposing Then
      If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
        components.Dispose ( )
      End If
    End If
    MyBase.Dispose ( disposing )
  End Sub
  Public Sub GetConnected ( )
    Dim strCon As String = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;
 Data Source = db.mdb "
    Dim myConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection ( )
    myConn.ConnectionString = strCon
    Dim strCom As String = " SELECT * FROM person "
    '创建一个 DataSet
    myDataSet = New DataSet ( )
    myConn.Open ( )
    Dim myCommand As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
 ( strCom , myConn )
    myCommand.Fill ( myDataSet , "person" )
    myConn.Close ( )
  End Sub
  Private Sub InitializeComponent ( )
    label1 = New Label ( )
    l_xm = New Label ( )
    l_books = New Label ( )
    t_xm = New TextBox ( )
    t_nl = New TextBox ( )
    nextrec = New Button ( )
    lastrec = New Button ( )
    firstrec = New Button ( )
    button1 = New Button ( )
    t_xb = New TextBox ( )
    button3 = New Button ( )
    button4 = New Button ( )
    t_books = New TextBox ( )
    previousrec = New Button ( )
    button2 = New Button ( )
    l_nl = New Label ( )
    l_xb = New Label ( )
    l_id = New Label ( )
    t_id = New TextBox ( )
    SuspendLayout ( )
label1.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 14! )
    label1.ForeColor = Color.Navy
    label1.Location = New Point ( 40 , 24 )
    label1.Name = "label1"
    label1.Size = New Size ( 265 , 28 )
    label1.TabIndex = 19
    label1.Text = "VB.NET数据库基础编程"
    label1.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
l_xm.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 10! )
    l_xm.Location = New Point ( 40 , 104 )
    l_xm.Name = "l_xm"
    l_xm.Size = New Size ( 143 , 23 )
    l_xm.TabIndex = 14
    l_xm.Text = "姓   名:"
    l_xm.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
l_books.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 10! )
    l_books.Location = New Point ( 40 , 200 )
    l_books.Name = "l_books"
    l_books.Size = New Size ( 143 , 24 )
    l_books.TabIndex = 16
    l_books.Text = "邮政编码:"
    l_books.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
t_xm.Location = New Point ( 160 , 104 )
    t_xm.Name = "t_xm"
    t_xm.Size = New Size ( 104 , 21 )
    t_xm.TabIndex = 2
    t_xm.Text = ""
t_xm.DataBindings.Add ( New Binding ( "Text" ,
myDataSet , "person.xm" ) )
    t_nl.Location = New Point ( 160 , 168 )
    t_nl.Name = "t_nl"
    t_nl.Size = New Size ( 102 , 21 )
    t_nl.TabIndex = 4
    t_nl.Text = ""
t_nl.DataBindings.Add ( New Binding ( "Text" ,
myDataSet , "person.nl" ) )
nextrec.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    nextrec.ForeColor = Color.Black
    nextrec.Location = New Point ( 176 , 248 )
    nextrec.Name = "nextrec"
    nextrec.Size = New Size ( 60 , 28 )
    nextrec.TabIndex = 8
    nextrec.Text = "后一条"
lastrec.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    lastrec.ForeColor = Color.Black
    lastrec.Location = New Point ( 240 , 248 )
    lastrec.Name = "lastrec"
    lastrec.Size = New Size ( 60 , 28 )
    lastrec.TabIndex = 9
    lastrec.Text = "尾记录"
firstrec.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    firstrec.ForeColor = Color.Black
    firstrec.Location = New Point ( 48 , 248 )
    firstrec.Name = "firstrec"
    firstrec.Size = New Size ( 60 , 28 )
    firstrec.TabIndex = 6
    firstrec.Text = "首记录"
button1.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    button1.ForeColor = Color.Black
    button1.Location = New Point ( 16 , 296 )
    button1.Name = "button1"
    button1.Size = New Size ( 70 , 28 )
    button1.TabIndex = 10
    button1.Text = "新建记录"
t_xb.Location = New Point ( 160 , 136 )
    t_xb.Name = "t_xb"
    t_xb.Size = New Size ( 104 , 21 )
    t_xb.TabIndex = 3
    t_xb.Text = ""
t_xb.DataBindings.Add ( New Binding ( "Text" ,
myDataSet , "person.xb" ) )
button3.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    button3.ForeColor = Color.Black
    button3.Location = New Point ( 176 , 296 )
    button3.Name = "button3"
    button3.Size = New Size ( 70 , 28 )
    button3.TabIndex = 12
    button3.Text = "修改记录"
button4.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    button4.ForeColor = Color.Black
    button4.Location = New Point ( 256 , 296 )
    button4.Name = "button4"
    button4.Size = New Size ( 70 , 28 )
    button4.TabIndex = 13
    button4.Text = "删除记录"
t_books.Location = New Point ( 160 , 200 )
    t_books.Name = "t_books"
    t_books.Size = New Size ( 102 , 21 )
    t_books.TabIndex = 5
    t_books.Text = ""
t_books.DataBindings.Add ( New Binding ( "Text" ,
myDataSet , "person.zip" ) )
previousrec.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    previousrec.ForeColor = Color.Black
    previousrec.Location = New Point ( 112 , 248 )
    previousrec.Name = "previousrec"
    previousrec.Size = New Size ( 60 , 28 )
    previousrec.TabIndex = 7
    previousrec.Text = "上一条"
button2.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 8! )
    button2.ForeColor = Color.Black
    button2.Location = New Point ( 96 , 296 )
    button2.Name = "button2"
    button2.Size = New Size ( 70 , 28 )
    button2.TabIndex = 11
    button2.Text = "插入记录"
l_nl.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 10! )
    l_nl.Location = New Point ( 40 , 168 )
    l_nl.Name = "l_nl"
    l_nl.Size = New Size ( 143 , 23 )
    l_nl.TabIndex = 4
    l_nl.Text = "年   龄:"
    l_nl.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
l_xb.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 10! )
    l_xb.Location = New Point ( 40 , 136 )
    l_xb.Name = "l_xb"
    l_xb.Size = New Size ( 143 , 23 )
    l_xb.TabIndex = 17
    l_xb.Text = "姓   别:"
    l_xb.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
l_id.Font = New Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 10! )
    l_id.Location = New Point ( 40 , 72 )
    l_id.Name = "l_id"
    l_id.Size = New Size ( 143 , 23 )
    l_id.TabIndex = 13
    l_id.Text = "序   号:"
    l_id.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
t_id.Enabled = False
    t_id.Location = New Point ( 160 , 72 )
    t_id.Name = "t_id"
    t_id.Size = New Size ( 102 , 21 )
    t_id.TabIndex = 1
    t_id.Text = ""
t_id.DataBindings.Add ( New Binding ( "Text" ,
myDataSet , "person.id" ) )
Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New Size ( 6 , 14 )
    Me.ClientSize = New Size ( 344 , 357 )
Me.Controls.Add ( button4 )
Me.Controls.Add ( button3 )
Me.Controls.Add ( button2 )
Me.Controls.Add ( button1 )
Me.Controls.Add ( lastrec )
Me.Controls.Add ( nextrec )
Me.Controls.Add ( previousrec )
Me.Controls.Add ( firstrec )
Me.Controls.Add ( t_books )
Me.Controls.Add ( t_nl )
Me.Controls.Add ( t_xb )
Me.Controls.Add ( t_xm )
Me.Controls.Add ( t_id )
Me.Controls.Add ( l_books )
Me.Controls.Add ( l_nl )
Me.Controls.Add ( l_xb )
Me.Controls.Add ( l_xm )
Me.Controls.Add ( l_id )
Me.Controls.Add ( label1 )
    Me.Name = "Form1"
    Me.MaximizeBox = False
    Me.MinimizeBox = False
    Me.Text = "VB.NET数据库基础编程!"
    Me.ResumeLayout ( False )
    myBind = Me.BindingContext ( myDataSet , "person" ) 
  End Sub
  Private Sub button1_Click (ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
    t_id.Text = ( myBind.Count + 1 ).ToString ( )
    t_xm.Text = ""
    t_xb.Text = ""
    t_nl.Text = ""
    t_books.Text = ""
  End Sub
  Private Sub button2_Click (ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button2.Click
    If ( t_id.Text <> "" And t_xm.Text <> ""
  And t_xb.Text <> "" And t_nl.Text <> ""
  And t_books.Text <> "" ) Then
      Dim myConn1 As String = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;
  Data Source = db.mdb"
      Dim myConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection ( myConn1 )
      myConn.Open ( )
      Dim strInsert As String = " INSERT INTO person ( id , xm , xb , nl
  , zip ) VALUES ( " & _
      t_id.Text + " , '" & _
      t_xm.Text + "' , '" & _
      t_xb.Text + "' , " & _
      t_nl.Text + " , " & _
      t_books.Text + ")"
      Dim inst As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand ( strInsert , myConn )
      inst.ExecuteNonQuery ( )
      myConn.Close ( )
      myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).Rows ( myBind.Position ).BeginEdit ( )
      myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).Rows ( myBind.Position ).EndEdit ( )
      myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).AcceptChanges ( )
      MessageBox.Show ( "必须填满所有字段值!" , "错误!" )
    End If
  End Sub
  Private Sub button3_Click (ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button3.Click
    Dim i As Integer = myBind.Position
    Dim strCon As String = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;
 Data Source = db.mdb "
    Dim myConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection ( strCon )
    myConn.Open ( )
    myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).Rows ( myBind.Position ).BeginEdit ( )
    Dim strUpdt As String = " UPDATE person SET xm = '" _
     + t_xm.Text + "' , xb = '" _
     + t_xb.Text + "' , nl = " _
     + t_nl.Text + " , zip = " _
     + t_books.Text + " WHERE id = " + t_id.Text
    Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand ( strUpdt , myConn )
    myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery ( )
    myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).Rows ( myBind.Position ).EndEdit ( )
    myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).AcceptChanges ( )
    myConn.Close ( )
    myBind.Position = i
  End Sub
  Private Sub button4_Click (ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button4.Click
      Dim strCon As String = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;
  Data Source = db.mdb "
      Dim myConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection ( strCon )
      myConn.Open ( )
      Dim strDele As String = "DELETE FROM person WHERE id= " + t_id.Text
      Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand ( strDele , myConn )
      myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery ( )
      myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).Rows ( myBind.Position ).Delete ( )
      myDataSet.Tables ( "person" ).AcceptChanges ( )
      myConn.Close ( )
  End Sub
  Private Sub lastrec_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs ) Handles lastrec.Click
    myBind.Position = myBind.Count - 1
  End Sub
  Private Sub nextrec_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs ) Handles nextrec.Click
    If myBind.Position = myBind.Count - 1 Then
      MessageBox.Show ( "已经到了最后一条记录!" , "信息提示!" ,
  MessageBoxButtons.OK , MessageBoxIcon.Information )
      myBind.Position = myBind.Position + 1
    End If
  End Sub
  Private Sub previousrec_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs ) Handles previousrec.Click
    If ( myBind.Position = 0 ) Then
      MessageBox.Show ( "已经到了第一条记录!" , "信息提示!" ,
  MessageBoxButtons.OK , MessageBoxIcon.Information )
      myBind.Position = myBind.Position - 1
    End If
  End Sub
  Private Sub firstrec_Click ( ByVal sender As Object , _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs ) Handles firstrec.Click
    myBind.Position = 0
  End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
  Sub Main ( )
    Application.Run ( New Form1 ( ) )
  End Sub
End Module 



vbc /r:system.dll /r:system.windows.forms.dll
  /r:system.drawing.dll /r:system.xml.dll
/r:system.data.dll data.vb 





VB.NET进行数据库编程主要利用的是ADO.NET,ADO.NET是.Net FrameWork SDK中用以操作数据库的一系列类库的总称。本文介绍的这些操作虽然是最为基本的,但其实也是至关重要的,因为任何一种复杂的数据库处理都可以分解为上述这些操作,希望本文介绍的这些内容对你用VB.NET开发数据库相关程序有所帮助。

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